As a rule of thumb weapon and helmet bonus is rounded to a nearest multiple of 33%, while each body armor upgrade increases overall strength by a flat 33%. Finally, the magnitude of the bonus provided by items is different for Reds, Greens and Blues than it is for Browns. For example a Red Minion can collect three Golden Scimitars to level from 100% to 400%. Thirdly, they are not limited to a single weapon or helmet, but will refuse to pick up worse items than those they are already carrying. Secondly, there are only ten distinct armor configurations for these Minions with predefined strength bonuses of 100%, 133%, 166%, 200%, 233%, 266%, 300%, 333%, 366% and 400%. This also means that, unlike Browns, they don't drop equipped items at all. Firstly, any weapon or helmet they pick up will not be visually represented, improving their armor instead. The Reds, Greens and Blues use items in a slightly different manner, more similar to how Browns' body armor works. As a consequence Browns will never drop body armor they are already wearing. Their body armor, however, can only be upgraded, gaining new elements in addition to existing ones, instead of being swapped altogether. The Browns are limited to one weapon and helmet, but will drop older ones in exchange for the betters whenever possible. Besides the visual appearance there is no difference between weapons and armor (both affect offensive and defensive parameters equally). These bonuses will stack up to a maximum of 400%. So can the other minions, though the results are less visually spectacular after pick-up.Īll Minions can pick up various pieces of equipment which improve their overall strength by a certain percentage. In Overlord the Browns can automatically equip many different kinds of items - found while looting.