If necessary, break it into subsections to separate admin type work from client or sponsorship work. Write down every single task you can think of that you do for your business within that time period. Take out a blank piece of paper or open a blank Google Doc and set a timer for 3 minutes. This is such a great activity because it helps get a really clear picture of all of the hats you’re wearing in your business ( and you may even find there are some great places to start outsourcing).

However, if you are able to set up a system for batching your work, you’ll be able to stay in that flow state and be incredibly effective when working on tasks for your business.īefore you can start actually batching your tasks, first you need to first figure out what those tasks are.

It can take up to 15 minutes to get into a flow state, so if we are switching between tasks, we are constantly taking one step forward and two steps back. In our business tasks, getting into this flow state takes a little more set up and structure. It’s a strange thing to think of, I know, but the basic idea is that your body and brain are on auto-drive because they are so in tune with what you are doing.Īthletes can experience this kind of flow state while running or playing their sport. What’s a flow state?Ī flow state has often been described as a state of ecstasy where you are so into a task that it’s almost as if you don’t exist. If multitasking is so unproductive (and yet completely normal in our society), then what does the opposite look like? What does being in a state of ultra-productivity look like? Well, it’s called being in a flow state. …brief mental blocks created by shifting between tasks can cost as much as 40 percent of someone’s productive time. Not only are we using up a lot of our brain’s resources when multitasking, we’re also not being very efficient. So when we are multitasking, we’re using a lot of our brain’s resources on the process of switching, instead of the tasks themselves. When you are executing a task, your brain is focused almost completely on that task and there simply isn’t a lot of extra processing power for other tasks unless those tasks are automatic like breathing or chewing gum. But you’ve likely heard before that multitasking is completely unproductive. It’s almost counter-cultural to think of doing just one task at a time. With batch working, you’re going to find that you are one thousand times more productive and finally get rid of that cloud of overwhelm that constantly hangs over your head. But that’s exactly what we often times are doing in our businesses, switching from task to task and feeling like we never accomplish anything at all. You wouldn’t wash one dish, then go put away three pieces of clothing and then start cooking part of dinner. It’s as simple as doing the dishes, laundry, cooking or meal-prepping. We have all heard that multitasking is extremely uneffective, but as entrepreneurs and bloggers, it’s so easy to fall into because there are always at least 100 things we need to get done at any given time.īatch working is something you’re already doing in your personal life. Time batching, also known as task batching, batch working, batch processing or time blocking, is working on one specific type of task at a time until it’s complete or you’ve reached a designated stopping place.īatching simply is a way of managing your time for any number of tasks, creating a system for them and being 40% more effective doing so because you aren’t multitasking. Creating a Business Task Schedule with Time Blocking.What are some examples of batch working?.What is Time Batching or Task Batching?.